A phobia is an intense fear of something which in reality has no or little danger. The small thing becomes a serious issue or problem to someone. A person gets scared of dogs, flying insects, snakes, etc. Someone can fear heights, highway driving, closed-in places, etc.
At Beyond Karm, we are ready to help those people get out of a miserable life. If you have this issue, you can contact us as soon as possible. We will help you get out of the Fear, Phobia and their consequences on you through our fear and phobia management program.
We include different types of retreats like yoga retreats, meditation retreats, silent retreats, spiritual retreats, and yoga meditation retreats to heal you slowly, steadily but permanently. Our effective counseling process and phobia detection methods can identify and heal your specific issues with some healthy healing methods which have no side effects on your body and mind.
AtBeyond Karm, we believeFear and Phobia are the biggest reasons behind a miserable life. The roots of the fear and phobia get stuck deep in our beliefs, reflex system and subconscious mind. This is why our expert professionals and counselors study your case critically and know the reason for your problem. After that, they decide the right therapies and retreats to help you live a balanced life. You can easily get rid of issues like fear of loss, rejection and sexual performance or even homosexuality. If you have a phobia of flying, speaking before the public, dirt, water or animal life, you can feel free to get consultation from our experts and undergo their counseling process. Our optimum endeavor is to bring you out of the situation of constant social rejection due your fear and phobia.
With our programs, we alter your belief system, help you get control of your subconscious mind and teach you how to face these problems in real life. Be bliss, stay blessed!