This healing is built to help you to get the energy and clearance you need in your life.
If you suffer from health conditions, depression or negativity in your life, we can help you!
Varsha offers psychic readings and cosmic energy healing as treatment, to cleanse and restore your chakras and aura in your bio-field. She also offers training to become a certified cosmic energy healer. For information about initiation and pricing, please contact her at the number given below.
Cosmic Connection Healing was conceived by Varsha Sangal and is an acknowledged healing method. It heals your physical and etheral body, mind and soul. Through channeling and hands-on healing, frequencies will go through your body and restore your chakras, aura and bio-field.
In order to live a happy and abundant life, we must disconnect and cleanse from prior frequency and death or past life connections. When life holds you back, this is the method to cleanse and restore with.
Cosmic Connection Healing protects and cleanses, it will strengthen your aura and bio-field. It can bring abundance in love, health and finances, rejuvenate and remove any negativity (witchcraft, dark energies, sickness, health issues). Whatever issues you have, can be corrected over time with healing sessions.
You can apply Cosmic Connection Healing in matters such as heart problems, arthritis, asthma and bronchitis, depression, ulcers, diabetes, gastric Issues, vision- and hearing problems, eczema and many more, so your health can improve. Varsha Sangal helps in minimizing pain or solve it completely.
Energy healing can be also used to cleanse places we live in, business or working spaces and will protect.
Please note, that if You are currently visiting a physician and taking medicine, please continue with it, since it will not affect in any way your treatment with us.